Staring at an empty cup of understanding
注视着空荡荡的杯子 本该盛装着理解
Maybe you could fill it up and tell me why you left
也许你能将它填满 然后告诉我你离开的理由
I don't want to be alone in this ocean
茫茫人海中 我不想孤身一人
Of people passing by rushing toward the end
周围人潮涌动 流向终点
And I can see your soft reflection like a ghost in the mirror
我能看见镜中你朦胧的身影 恍若幽魂
And I would do whatever I could for a chance to have you here
我愿意竭尽所能 只为一个能将你挽留的机会
And be home again
Now that you're gone I can see that I was wrong
如今你已经离去 我才明白我错了
Back in your arms I feel home again
回到你的怀抱 我又一次有了家的感觉
Now that you're gone I can see I was wrong
如今你已经离去 我才明白我错了
Back in your arms again, again
再次回到你的怀抱 再一次
Even as the clouds roll by I swear they mock me
甚至当云朵飘过时 我敢肯定它们在捉弄我
Cause every one that fills the sky turns into your face
因为天上的每一朵云 变成了你的容貌
Maybe it was heaven's fault they lost an angel
或许是天堂的过错 让他们失去了一位天使
I couldn't hold on and I let her get away
我无力挽留 只能让她逝去
And I can see your soft reflection like a ghost in the mirror
我能看见镜中你朦胧的身影 恍若幽魂
And I would do whatever I could for a chance to have you here
我愿意竭尽所能 只为一个能将你挽留的机会
And be home again
Now that you're gone I can see that I was wrong
如今你已经离去 我才明白我错了
Back in your arms I feel home again
回到你的怀抱 我又一次有了家的感觉
Now that you're gone I can see I was wrong
如今你已经离去 我才明白我错了
Back in your arms again, again
再次回到你的怀抱 再一次
home again
Now that you're gone I can see that I was wrong
如今你已经离去 我才明白我错了
Back in your arms again
home again
Now that you're gone I can see that I was wrong
如今你已经离去 我才明白我错了
Back in your arms again
And be home again
Now that you're gone I can see that I was wrong
如今你已经离去 我才明白我错了
Back in your arms I feel home again
回到你的怀抱 我又一次有了家的感觉
Now that you're gone I can see I was wrong
如今你已经离去 我才明白我错了
Back in your arms again, again
再次回到你的怀抱 再一次
1.Over And Under
2.Taking You Down
4.You Make Me Sick
5.Just Another Lie
6.Push Away
8.Walls of Innocence
9.Leap of Faith
10.The Way
11.Locked and Caged