Seek but hide(Acoustic)

(Voice)I'm fine .thanks.我真的已经好了谢谢。
Take me back to The winter time.能否将我带回那时冬日
Let them know ,tell them i don't mind.让他们知道也没关系,我并不在意
Something lost all this time.好似遗失了所有的时间
Just Let it go ,maybe i'll be fine不如让它过去,我会好起来的
I'm sad when you gone away.你远去之时我保留着那份难过
I'm not afraid why don't you stay.可惜的是为什么你不留下来看看我的勇敢
Don't wanna know my blank fate.这样,就不要再想了解我空白的宿命
Foggy day , i don't afraid.迷雾重重,我也能挺过来
Seeking ,seeking or hiding.不断寻找,还是把自己彻底藏起来
Changing,changing or waiting.改变它们还是,继续等待
Seeking ,seeking or hiding.寻找吗,还是把自己彻底藏起来
Changing,changing or waiting.改变它们还是,继续等待
I found The way before The sun goes down.在日落之前,我总算找到了那条特定的路
I can't believe The thing's changing.有时也无法相信世事之转变
Just care myself when people talk and say.人们讨论那些,我就环抱自己
Just far away maybe i don't afraid.:)
Take me back to The winter time.将我带回那时冬日
Let them know ,tell them i don't mind.让他们知道也没关系,我并不在意真的
1.Seek but hide(Acoustic)