Colder Than ice

I can't understand you 我不能理解你
why are you cold to me everytime 为什么对我这么冷
I can't make you happy one more time just one time 我就不能让你开心那么一次 就一次
I can't understand you 我不能理解你
what is happend between us 我们之间到底发生了什么
and u hate me so fast so fast 你恨我总是那么快
do you know babe I'll be a crazy in your love 你知道吗 宝贝 我可以为你变成一个疯子
can you give me chance to love 你就不能给我一个爱的机会么
I need you babe can we back to one month ago 我需要你宝贝 我们能否回到一个月前
I'll never ever let you go 我不会放弃你的
our relationship is hard but I still loving you 我知道我们的关系很难 但我依然爱你
can you smile again to me babe 可以再对我笑一次么
don't colder than ice to me 不要对我这么冷
do you miss me like I miss you 你是否像我想你一样想我
I wanna hear your voice in my whole life 我想在我整个生命中听到你的声音
my girl, let's start again in the name of love 我的女孩,看在爱的名义上我们重新开始吧
don't colder than ice to me please my honey 请不要对我冷 亲爱的
1.Colder Than ice