Hello, what's your name?
Not Judge Dread?
Yes, that's right
Oh, I've always wanted to meet you
Oh really, why?
Oh, I'm a really big fan of yours
That's very nice of you to say that
Is It true?
Is what true?
What they say about big nine
Well, I think you'd better
Have a look for yourself
Oh, it's true, it's true
Come on Dread, get 'em off
No, what do you take me for
Come on, don't be shy
Now doesn't that feel better?
Oh yes, those bloody boots were killing me
Here, look at this
Oh, my God, I don't believe it
Oh, come on, touch it
You must be bloody jokin'
You're not even a proper woman
You're a geezer dressed up
You're one of those Trans
What do they call 'em Transvestites
Oh, come on dear, this is 1975
Oh, I don't know, every time I come out,
Every bloody time, it always ends up in sillys
Come home and give me love please
I'll tell you what
I'll give you bloody love
I'll give you the rough
End of a pineapple
Go on, **** off
Nasty man you
Take your soddy handbag with you
And I'm not going to buy anymore
Of your records
**** off
1.Three Ring Circus
2. Love And Devotion
3.I Wanna Wake Up With You
4.Gal Wine
5.People Make The World Go Round
6.Just When I Need You Most
7.Je T'aime (Moi Non Plus)
8.Jamaica Ska
9.O.K. Fred
11.Girlie Girlie
12.Time is The Master
14.Only Fool Breaks His Own Heart
15.Sing a Little Song
16.Work All Day
17.Ire Fellings (Leggo Skanga)
18. His Majesty Is Coming
19.Big Ten
20.Mad About You
21. Sam's Intro
22. Golden Locks
23. Freedom Street
24.Midnight Rider
25. Looking My Love
26. Delilah
27. Frankenstein Ska
28. You Make Me Feel The Way I Do
29. Oil In My Lamp
30. Titian (aka Tichen)
31. Rock Steady
32. Behold (Ska Version)
33. The Drifter
34. Cloak And Dagger
35. Groovin' Out On Life
36. Leaving Home
37.We Don't Pet Sound Boy
38.Hortical Don
39.No Mama No Cry
40.One More Chance
42.As If I Didn't Know
43.Sweetie Come Brush Me
45.Shoulder Move
46.What On Dance Can Do
47.Sunday Dish
48.Tiny Winey
49.Miserable Woman