The Infinite Shining Heavens

1.Sea Fever
2.Into My Heart An Air That Kills
3.Youth and Love
4.The Infinite Shining Heavens
5.Loveliest of Trees (A Shropshire Lad)
6.When I was One-and-Twenty (A Shropshire Lad)
7.Look not in my Eyes (A Shropshire Lad)
8.Think no more, Lad (A Shropshire Lad)
9.The Lads in their hundreds (A Shropshire Lad)
10.Is my Team Ploughing? (A Shropshire Lad)
11.There Pass the Careless People
12.The Night
13.White in the Moon
14.Bredon Hill
15.O Fair Enough are Sky and Plain
16.When the Lad for Longing Sighs
17.On the Idle Hill of Summer
18.With Rue my Heart is laden
19.The Vagabond
20.The Three Ravens
21.Fear No More the Heat o' the Sun
22.Thy Hand in Mine
23.The Vagabond (Songs of Travel)
24.An Incident (War Scenes)
25.When Death to Either Shall Come
26.In Flanders
27.The Street Sounds to the Soldiers' Tread
28.Beat! Beat! Drums!
29.Dirge for Two Veterans