In the white room with black curtains near the station.
Blackroof country, no gold pavements, tired starlings.
屋顶也呈黑色 村庄没有金色人行道 燕八哥叽叽喳喳令人烦厌
Silver horses ran down moonbeams in your dark eyes.
银色马飞奔而来 月光在你深邃的眼中荡开
Dawnlight smiles on you leaving, my contentment.
晨曦微笑着目送你离开 直到我意满踌躇
I'll wait in this place where the sun never shines;
我等待的这个地方 太阳永远不会升起
Wait in this place where the shadows run from themselves.
我等待的这个地方 影子从他们脚下逃跑
You said no strings could secure you at the station.
Platform ticket, restless diesels, goodbye windows.
无论是站台的票根 喧腾不止的柴油 还是相望挥别的窗子
I walked into such a sad time at the station.
As i walked out, felt my own need just beginning.
当我挪步出来 我感觉我体内的诉求才刚刚萌生
I'll wait in the queue when the trains come back;
当火车徐徐驶来 我会排队等候
Lie with you where the shadows run from themselves.
At the party she was kindness in the hard crowd.
Consolation for the old wound now forgotten.
Yellow tigers crouched in jungles in her dark eyes.
She's just dressing, goodbye windows, tired starlings.
她只是穿戴好一切 走过惜别的窗子 燕八哥依然聒噪不已
I'll sleep in this place with the lonely crowd;
Lie in the dark where the shadows run from themselves.
1.I'm So Glad
2.Crossroads (Live At Winterland)
3.Anyone For Tennis
4.Sunshine Of Your Love
5.The Coffee Song
6.Wrapping Paper
7.Blue Condition
8.World Of Pain
9.Four Until Late
10.Sweet Wine
11.Those Were The Days
13.White Room (Live At Oakland)
14.Sitting On Top Of The World (Live At The Forum)
15.Strange Brew
16.Lawdy Mama (Version 1)
17.I'm So Glad (Live At The Forum)
18.Toad (Live At Fillmore / Special Version)
19.Spoonful (Live At Winterland)
20.Sitting On Top Of The World
21.Lawdy Mama (Version 2)
22.I Feel Free
23.You Make Me Feel (Demo Version)
24.Outside Woman Blues
25.Take It Back
26.Passing The Time (Alternate Version)
27.Tales Of Brave Ulysses
29.Sleepy Time Time
31.Cat's Squirrel
32.Rollin' And Tumblin'
34.As You Said
35.Mother's Lament
38.We're Going Wrong
39.Pressed Rat And Warthog
40.White Room
41.We're Going Wrong (Demo Version)
42.Deserted Cities Of The Heart
43.Born Under A Bad Sign
45.Doing That Scrapyard Thing
46.Dance The Night Away
47.Swlabr (Demo Version)
48.Weird Of Hermiston (Demo Version)
49.The Clearout (Demo Version)
50.N.S.U. (Live At Winterland / Unedited Version)
51.What A Bringdown
52.Rollin' And Tumblin' (Live At Fillmore West)
53.Hey Now Princess (Demo Version)
54.Sleepy Time Time (Live At Winterland)
55.Falstaff Beer Commercial
56.Tales Of Brave Ulysses (Live At Winterland)
57.Politician (Live At Oakland)
58.Sunshine Of Your Love (Live At The Glen Campbell Show)
59.Steppin' Out (Live At Winterland)
60.Deserted Cities Of The Heart (Live At Oakland)
61.Sweet Wine (Live At Winterland)
62.Traintime (Live At Winterland)
63.Sunshine Of Your Love (Live At Winterland)