Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: A shepherd summons the chorus to sing

1.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: Orpheus descends into hell
2.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: The second ending
3.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Background: Monteverdi's early life and education
4.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: Orpheus is told that Eurydice is dead
5.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Background: Introduction
6.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: Orpheus's long lament and the first ending
7.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Background: Monteverdi's other operas and performance practice
8.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: Doubts assail Orpheus
9.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: A shepherd summons the chorus to sing
10.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: Pluto's pronouncement
11.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: Expressions of grief from the chorus and shepherds
12.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: Prologue
13.Introduction to … MONTEVERDI Orfeo: Orfeo: Charon's response to Orpheus