《Jesse Pinkman》
Beat maker:Electus
Every morning with ruffled hair and puffy eyes睡眼惺忪无精打采的每天
No one cares I feel nothing nice从不觉得美好会降临在我身上
if Life is a gambling I人生如果是场赌博
lost the dice then my mind get tired我早就迷失了勇气和方向
High as **** just my outside looking外在装的是很积极
Im doing good for the “how u doing ?“对别人寒喧的话早已有了固定的答复
Fake answer to fake-question假的问题搭配假的回答
I'm Acting good no need to say “action ”这方面我表演得出色甚至不需导演
Sharing my secrets To my (cigarettes )把秘密分享给每一支点燃的烟
Lonely mixing (regrets )包括我的孤独和悔意
I miss those best days used to be together很怀念那些我们一起度过的时光
now I lost that chance to keep her而如今我已失去这份陪伴你的机会
Yes We made是的我们
hell lot of happy plan曾有那么美好的计划
Before We screw up everything在我们亲手毁掉所有之前
Hook1:Now it’s just 如今只剩我自己
Me myself and I against the world对抗所有的一切
I parked my heart in a bar酒吧成了心的休憩所
Sipping deep and talking far伴着酒才能说出那些远大的话
With the creepy devil in my heart内心里那个小丑
like Scissors adward is in a dark阴郁如剪刀手(爱德华) 似乎在问
I said i wanna be the best为何一切的美好
But why aways missing chance总是在与我擦肩而过
Only got two friends moon and bed最终陪伴我的也只有一轮凄美的月亮和一张孤独的床
Tears never stop keep saying what a mess眼泪的经常拜访使我濒临崩溃
Lonely buddy get lost in the Flashing lights形单影只
sorry for myself Some of my人格分裂
black hair turning white迷失在
Double person(ality )霓虹闪烁的城市
destroying my mind
just Old memories ,across my mind后知后觉
Now I realize that u not mine才发觉你已不属于我了
Hook 2:
Now it’s just如今只剩我自己
Me myself and I against the world对抗所有的一切
3.Lay Back
5.Jesse Pinkman