Opportunity (Prod by Han Solo)
Shout out to 2cold , Han Solo Dolo , Wave Muzik
(Intro - Han Solo)
We can do it in whatever way, that's all right with me.【任何事情我都好商量】
But don't you bro me if you can't die for me.【但是你不要跟我称兄道弟如果你做不到为我两肋插刀】
Don't you say you love me.【就别说你“爱”我】
(Verse 1 - Jason Kramer)
Look, I got something wanna talking about.【听着,我在这里有些话想说】
There are some real pain, it's reality, on a boy around.【有些痛苦,现实的发生在一个男孩周围】
I ain't playing, for real.【我没有开玩笑】
Some people do it for deal.【有些人只是“虚情假意”的对待这个东西】
I don't give damn if I got haters after the song.【我不在乎发布这首歌后会有多少的hater】
Somebody will, yeah, I saw people's cold.【有些人会,我见过别人的无情】
I just wanna get an opportunity for this,and it's not kidding.【我只想为这个争取一个机会,这不是儿戏】
I'm not leaving! I wanna get an opportunity for this language in China.【我不会离开,我只想争取让这个语言的rap在国内有一个机会】
It's not kidding.【这不是开玩笑】
(Chorus - Han Solo)
I've been having all these fake love lying to me.【看到过太多的虚情假意】
I've been dripping on'em haters as your eyes can see.【你们也都目睹过我从来不放过任何一个hater】
We can do it in whatever way, that's all right with me.【任何事情我都好商量】
But don't you bro me if you can't die for me.【但是你不要跟我称兄道弟如果你做不到为我两肋插刀】
If you can't die for me.【如果你做不到义无反顾】
Don't you say you love me.【就别说你“爱”我】
(Verse 2 - Jason Kramer)
Yeah, too many people they looking down on this kinds of Raps.【太多人看不起这样的rap】
They think Chinese can't do it without Chinese way.【他们觉得中国人必须以中文来做音乐】
It‘s not about the language,It‘s about the thinking.【这跟语言没关系,而是在于“想法”】
I don‘t know the reason why you said that before, a lot of people are hidin‘ behind your keyboards.【我不知道你们这么说的原因,太多人只会躲在键盘后面】
Those people are blind.【这些人是瞎的】
They can only do the thing just stay behind the screen.【他们也只会躲在屏幕后面】
Typing to attack, and they will beat anothers a crack, and call themselves “KING”【以打字的方式,对别人进行人身攻击,赢了就自称为“王”】
I don‘t think u can win.【我不认为你们会取得成功】
Your whole life just little a unpractical dream.【你们的整个人生只不过是一个小小梦境而已】
We got a tinny bomb and I don't think that's enough.【我们现在相当于只是一个“小型炸弹”,我不觉得那就够了】
We from the same country at first.【首先我们来自同样的国土】
And we got a uniform.【也披着同样的“制服”】
Too many kinds of rappers and I don't think that I'm wrong.【太多不同种类的说唱歌手,我不觉得我做错了】
We are the unicorn.【我们都像一只代表着高傲与纯洁的独角兽】
I feel so sorry but the new era is coming down.【我很抱歉但是新的时代将要到来】
Rap music has been diverse, different rappers got a different verse.【说唱乐早已不单一】
If you're still hostile, get a praying in a church.【如果你还带着敌意,去教堂祈祷吧】
(Chorus - Han Solo)
I've been having all these fake love lying to me.【看到过太多的虚情假意】
I've been dripping on'em haters as your eyes can see.【你们也都目睹过我从来不放过任何一个hater】
We can do it in whatever way, that's all right with me.【任何事情我都好商量】
But don't you bro me if you can't die for me.【但是你不要跟我称兄道弟如果你做不到为我两肋插刀】
If you can't die for me.【如果你做不到义无反顾】
Don't you say you love me.【就别说你“爱”我】
(Verse 3 - Jason Kramer)
It's right,yeah.【这就对了】
That's what I'm talking to y'all.【正如我想跟你们说的】
I don't think everything defined by comment sections is well.【我不认为被条条框框定义的所有事都是好的】
Y'all better know.【你们最好明白】
Best music is not only for shows.【好的音乐不只是为了演出】
Just like you wanna be solemn u gotta go get on your suit.【就像当你想要严肃对待一个场面的时候,你也得换上你的正装】
Namely if I pretend to do everything I've never did them before.【也就是说,如果我假装做了我之前从未做过的事】
The consequence's you will think that I'm a faker or more.【那结果就是你们会认为我是个faker或者发表更多言论】
But I don't even care about it, I'm just doing me.【我不在乎这些,我只想做我自己】
Show some respect,It's not the '80s or' 90s.【对人表现出一些尊重,现在已经不是80 90年代了】
Don't a attacker.【别成为一个攻击别人的人】
The person u attacked that will be a pay-backer.【因为你攻击的那个人将会来找你报仇】
Anyway I will do it better, a real man has manned up he is coming down here, letz see it later.【不管怎样,我都会做得更好,也要拿出一个男人的样子,等着瞧】
Whatever I'm in the bottom or nah.【不管现在我是否处于低谷】、
But I know I will not to making the trash.【但我始终知道我不是在制造垃圾】
Come on you think that I'm begging ? nah!【你们认为我是在乞讨吗?不!】
This is my attitude, I'll never be soft.【这就是我的态度,我也不会对此变得软弱】
Me and crew will get on the track.【我和我的团队将走上我们自己的路】
(Chorus - Han Solo)
I've been having all these fake love lying to me.【看到过太多的虚情假意】
I've been dripping on'em haters as your eyes can see.【你们也都目睹过我从来不放过任何一个hater】
We can do it in whatever way, that's all right with me.【任何事情我都好商量】
But don't you bro me if you can't die for me.【但是你不要跟我称兄道弟如果你做不到为我两肋插刀】
If you can't die for me.【如果你做不到义无反顾】
Don't you say you love me.【就别说你“爱”我】
(Outro-Jason Kramer)
Fine. Actually I don't think HipHop is split.【行了,我不认为嘻哈文化是分裂的】
But now everybody wants their own domain.【但现在人人都想要属于他们自己的地盘】
Performers have no loyalty, chicks are curelty.【戏子无义,b子无情】
What a "Family" 【切,好一个“大家庭”】
But don't you bro me if you can't die for me.【别跟我称兄道弟如果你做不到为我两肋插刀】
If you can't die for me.【如果你做不到义无反顾】
Don't you say you love me.【就别说你“爱”我】
If you can't die for me(die for me yeah).【如果你做不到义无反顾】
If you can't die for me.【如果你做不到义无反顾】
Don't you say you love me.【就别说你“爱”我】
If you can't die for me(die for me yeah).【如果你做不到义无反顾的话】
1.Opportunity (Prod by Han Solo)