This Album is like a PRISM
you see everything in it
I guess music is the potion
You're my motivation, 你引领我达到目的,
Mixing up my potion, 像完美比例的药剂,
Turn into slow-motion, 分不清现实与幻觉的临界,
barely saw horizon, 也看不清那远方的地平线
Cuz I am way above this, 因为我早已超越了一切,
Climbing on your clouds and you 攀上了名为你的云端,
Shiner than a gold chain, 此刻的你无比璀璨,
Shiner than that blue flame, 哪怕钻石也变得暗淡,
Imagine years later I'll be with a ******* suitcase,多年之后我会忙于奔波,
You might get your mood changed, 你的心情会有所改变,
I've already lost senses, 我也不再会那么积极,
I won't trust nobody cuz they only drive me insane,我不愿相信任何人因为只会被欺骗,
I won't trust nobody cuz they only hurt my feelings,我不愿相信任何人因为只会被伤害
Brand name make me happy, no 名牌和噱头并不能让我欢喜
Even on my shoe laces Swarovski stone 甚至鞋带上都镶满水晶
Cash on my account I see them In and out they go金钱来去如流水
I got my time bought and then I made them sold时间来去如飞梭
I know there's one thing I gotta do it 有件我必须做的事
Pack up my luggage, soul's starving for it 我干涸的灵魂提醒着我
Looking for my potion the only therapy 打点行装去寻找唯一的解药
Fly coast to coast seek like honey bee 像蜜蜂一样飞过山和海
I know I Aim at you 我知道你是我的目的地
in my dream I see your face 梦中看见了你的面庞
You're my happiness 你是我的幸福
my lonely soul for you to complete 填补我的孤独
For me Thousand, millions just can't compete 踏过千万里也比不过你
And for you I keep doing this 为了你我不断追寻
Now I can't afford a wedding ring 可能现在我还不够富足
If I'm not diligent I feel ashamed 但我自知要勤奋努力
Catching the fire 赴汤蹈火
Chasing my dream 向着梦想
Thousands of days 日以千计
spent all on it 全力以赴
succeed or not 无论成功与否
No back for me 已经破釜沉舟
Just Straight forward 只管向前
no back for me 不回头