Law of the jungle

ay yo(嘿哟)
first meeting(初次见面)
introducin myself(自我介绍一下)
there's ghost area Ai(这里是鬼方地域Ai)
just follow me(只管跟着我)
life is no nintendo game(生活不是电子游戏)
there is no fairness(没有公平可言)
the fame the dream the women ay(名声 梦想 女人)
everything is bullsh1t without money(任何一切没有钱都是放屁)
successful person's sentence sounds funny(有些成功人士说的话听着挺搞笑的)
you're just like ** before you be famous(在你成功之前没人会觉得你说的对)
something can only be used for reference(有些东西只能用来借鉴)
god gave you them shoes to fit you(上天给你安排了适合你的道路)
so put them on and wear them be yourself man be
proud of who you are(那就把握好机会 做你自己 兄弟 为你自己感到自豪)
mature people only talk with people older tham(成熟的人只会跟比他们年纪大的人一起交谈)
themselves nuts talking blah blah blah(只有傻子在一起才会互相吹牛说着废话)
at this moment i just wanna say ha ha ha(此时此刻我真的为那些人感到着急)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to be better and better(想变得越来越好)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to have a bright future(想有一个美好的未来)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to get ahead in this world(想让自己出人头地)
got more cash is only way to achieve your goal(物质丰富是唯一的办法)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to be better and better(想变得越来越好)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to have a bright future(想有一个美好的未来)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to get ahead in this world(想让自己出人头地)
got more cash is only way to achieve your goal(物质丰富是唯一的办法)
nobody knows i'm grim(没人懂我的冷酷)
walk alone the life of way(我独自走在人生的道路上)
i'll stick to it(我会一直坚持下去)
it's the path chose to me(这是我自己的选择)
i don't like to talk there is no other choice(我不太爱说话 没有办法)
so i got to put my feelings into the song(我只能把我的感受写进歌里)
while i sit no inspiration sick of all this sh1t(这么久了我还是毫无灵感 受够了这些东西)
i can't write it sh1t all I know is that I will be waste(对它们无从下笔 我只知道再这样下去我会变成一堆废铁)
never beat me at the end of a relationship(一段不如意小插曲休想打败我)
you left and you took everything i had left(但它带走了我的所有)
the most humble thing is tender of man's failure(世上最卑微的就是人一事无成的温柔)
look at the prosperity of New York(看看繁荣的纽约)
what reason do you stop moving forward(有什么理由停止前进)
so toward the sea with your life boat(带着你的梦想扬帆起航吧)
you're right i can't lose myself any more(你说的对 我不能再迷失自己了)
i gotta know what i live for(我得知道我为了什么而活)
it's mean so much more yeah(这意味着太多了)
just let it go let it flow(顺其自然吧)
the best things always at the end so(最好的永远在最后)
** and gentleman are you ready to listen up(所有人准备听好了吗)
right now i will tell you the real Ai is stand up(现在我将告诉你真正的Ai站起来了)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to be better and better(想变得越来越好)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to have a bright future(想有一个美好的未来)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to get ahead in this world(想让自己出人头地)
got more cash is only way to achieve your goal(物质丰富是唯一的办法)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to be better and better(想变得越来越好)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to have a bright future(想有一个美好的未来)
law of the jungle(在这个弱肉强食的世界)
if you want to get ahead in this world(想让自己出人头地)
got more cash is only way to achieve your goal(物质丰富是唯一的办法)
guys if you had a dream fight for it(兄弟们 如果你有一个梦想 为之奋斗吧)
1.Law of the jungle
2.That's Who I Am