The Love of a Dead Man Op.38 No.5

1.The Old Corporal
2.The Civil Servant
3.I loved you
4.The Miller
5.I am sad
7.The Sun Has Slipped From Sight Op.73 No.4
8.The Love of a Dead Man Op.38 No.5
9.Heroism Op.60 No.11
10.None but the Lonely Heart Op.6 No.6
11.Amid the noise of the ball Op.38 No.3
12.A Tear Quivers Op.6 No.4
13.Night Op.73 No.2
14.This Our First Reunion Op.63 No.4
15.Otravoy polni moi pesni (My songs are filled with poison)
16.For the Shores of Your Distant Homeland
17.A Note of Insincerity
18.He stands silently before the commander
19.The Day has ended
21.V krovi gorit ogon zhelanya