制作人 : Deb Talan/Steve Tannen
Take the sky 用那天空
For example 打个比方吧
A canvas of a billion suns 是拥有亿万个太阳的画布
But our local hero 但身边的英雄
Shines them out by day 白昼间闪烁光辉
Safe for the winking of a Venus or Mars 为金星和火星积蓄一瞬的闪耀
Even the stars 所以你看,即使是星辰
Sometimes fade to gray 有时也会褪去光芒
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Hideaway 也会有逃避的时候呀
I see the bare moon 我看那光溜溜的月亮
Raise it's big bald head 抬起它那大大的头
I see my friends play the fool 我看见朋友们做着蠢事
I'll make my own way 我坚定自己的想法
In the wide world 在如此无垠的世界里
Just know I don't want to wander too far 只是也不想徘徊得太远
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Sometimes fade to gray 有时也会褪去光芒
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Hideaway 也会有逃避的时候呀
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Sometimes fade to gray 有时也会褪去光芒
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Hideaway 也会有逃避的时候呀
It's so calming 心如止水了
All kinds of names 对于世间这各种各样的称谓
Some say I don't the play the right kind of game 有人说我不入世俗凡尘
I try to be honest 我也试着诚实待人
I try to be kind 我也试着保持友好
And honestly leave when I know that it's time 当时机已到然后坦诚地抽离
I know that it's time 当我知道是时候时
Hear a phoebe sing his only song 月神轻吟他唯一的圣歌
The summer's day is hovering 夏日时光回溯萦绕
I'll write my full heart 我会敞开心扉
Troubles while I can burst 麻烦降至,当我逃出
Out the windows of our traveling car 我们旅行车的窗户时
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Sometimes fade to gray 有时也会褪去光芒
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Hideaway 也会有逃避的时候呀
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Sometimes fade to gray 有时也会褪去光芒
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Hideaway 也会有逃避的时候呀
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Sometimes fade to gray 有时也会褪去光芒
Even the stars 即使是星辰
Hideaway 也会有逃避的时候呀
1.All Good Things
2.Little Bird
4.Just Blue