This is what I brought you this you can keep.
我把它献给你 请你保管它
This is what I brought you may forget me.
我把它献给你 请你遗忘我曾伴你身边
I promise to depart just promise one thing.
我许诺我会离开这里 但也只是这样许诺罢了
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
请你轻吻我的眼睛 让我沉醉
This is what I brought you this you can keep.
我把它献给你 请你保管它
This is what I brought you may forget me.
我把它献给你 请你遗忘我曾存在于此
I promise to heart just promise one thing.
我承诺我会给你我的心脏 让它代我为你歌唱
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
请你轻吻我的眼睛 让我沉醉
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
请你轻吻我的眼睛 让我沉醉
This is what I thought,I thought you need me.
我把我献给最爱的你 我想你会喜欢这份大礼
This is what I thought so think me naive.
我把我献给最爱的你 你看我是多么的天真
I promise you a heart you'd promise to keep.
我本应承诺给你一颗心 但你要答应会接受它
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
请你轻吻我的眼睛 让我沉醉于此
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
请你轻吻我的眼睛 让我沉醉于此不复醒
Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.
请你轻吻我的眼睛 让我沉醉于此长眠不复醒
1.Love Like Winter
2.Endlessly, She Said
4.Kill Caustic
5.The Leaving Song Pt. II
6.Girl's Not Grey
7.Prelude 12/21
8.Summer Shudder
9.The Days of the Phoenix
10.A Single Second
11.The Missing Frame
12.This Time Imperfect
13.Bleed Black
14.Silver and Cold
15.God Called in Sick Today
16.Death of Seasons
17.Miss Murder
18.Dancing Through Sunday