The beats, yeah, they were coming out the speakers 鼓点,从音箱里传出来
And were winding up straight in your sneakers. 迎面震动着你的双脚
And I'm dancing like every song he spins is bis or like 我跳着,像是DJ放的每一首歌都是两次,大致如此
Like all my dance heroes would if they existed. 像所有我的舞蹈高手跳着,如果他们真的存在。
And it's sad that you think that they're all just scenesters 这是如此可悲,你觉得他们都是追随者
(And even if we were it's not the scene you're thinking of) 甚至我们并不是你想的那样
To taking props from 90's boy band fashions 穿着90年代乐队男孩的时尚
All crop tops and testosterone passion. 露脐装和精虫上脑
If there's one thing that I could never confess, 如果有一件事我从来不会承认
It's that I can't dance a single step. 那就是我不会跳舞
It's you! 是你!
It's me! 是我!
And there's dancing! 还有舞蹈!
It's you! 是你!
It's me! 是我!
And there's dancing! 还有舞蹈!
Not sure if you mind if I dance with you, 我不知道与你共舞,你是否介意
But I don't think right now that you care about anything at all. 但我知道此刻你心无外物。
And oh, if only there were clothes on the floor, 哦!如果只有在地上的衣服
I'd feel for certain I was bedroom dancing. 我会坚信我来了一场卧室舞会
And it's all flailing limbs at the front line. 在第一排挥动着四肢
Every single one of us is twisted by design 每一个人都扭动着身体
And dispatches from the back of my mind 我突然从脑袋里冒出一个想法
Say as long as we're here everything is alright. 说着:只要我们在这里,一切都会好的
If there's one thing that I could never confess, 如果有一件事我从来不会承认
It's that I can't dance a single step. 那就是我不会跳舞
It's you! 是你!
It's me! 是我!
And there's dancing! 还有舞蹈!
It's you! 是你!
It's me! 是我!
And there's dancing! 还有舞蹈!
If there's one thing that I could never confess, 如果有一件事我从来不会承认
It's that I can't dance a single step. 那就是我不会跳舞
one thing that I could never confess, 有一件事我从来不会承认
It's that I can't dance a single step. 那就是我不会跳舞
It's you! 是你!
It's me! 是我!
And there's dancing! 还有舞蹈!
It's you! 是你!
It's me! 是我!
And there's dancing! 还有舞蹈!
And I always get confused because in supermarkets 我总是如此困惑,缘于商场
they turn the lights off when they want you to leave 当他们想让你离开时,就把灯关上
But in discos they turn them on 但在迪斯科,他们将灯打开
And it's always sad to go but it's never that sad 遗憾离场却从不是那么遗憾
because there's only certain places 因为有一个帝王
you're guaranteed of getting a hug when you go 当你离开你会迎来拥抱
And on the way home 在回家的路上
it seems like a good idea to go paddle in the fountain 在喷泉里滑步看起来是一个好主意
and that's because it is a good idea 正因为这是个好主意
And we're all like how Rousseau depicts man in the state of nature 我们像卢梭描写的原始人
We're undeveloped, we're ignorant 我们愚昧,我们单纯
we're stupid, but we're happy. 我们毫无所知,但我们乐于人生。
3.Lover's Spit
4.Demon Host
5.You! Me! Dancing!
7.She Got By
8.Your Ex-Lover Is Dead