*同人创作 ooc预警
<Verse 1>
Pinkie just hit the wall, she never had it all
萍琪派四处碰壁 她从未拥有一切
One cupcake a day, still shocked that Rainbow's gay
一天一个杯糕 她仍震惊于黛西出了柜
Her dreams went out the door, when cheese was only four
小芝士四岁时 她的梦想便已破灭
Only been with one man, what happened to her plan
恋爱经历如此少 她的马生到底怎么了
She was gonna be a princess, She was gonna be a star
她本应成为公主 抑或是一位明星
She was gonna shake her flank, On the stage at Trixie's bar
Her best friend Rarity is now the enemy
反观当下 她与瑞瑞化友为敌
Feels like a cartoon clip, but friendship isn't magic
生活就像卡通片 但友谊并不是魔法
Since miss Derpy, the cake twins, way before Twi got wings
有小呆 蛋糕双胞胎 这些美好回忆都在暮光长出翅膀前
There was Rainbow and AJ, and discord was still a bad guy
还有黛西 阿杰 那时的无序还是大反派
Now Cheese is in highschool, he tells her that she's a fool
如今小芝士是个高中生了 骂她是个大傻瓜
'Cause she thinks her friendships died
When Twilight, Twilight, Twilight learned to fly
<Verse 2>
She threw every party, she knew every mare
她举办每一场派对 她认识每一匹雌驹
Before Spike grew his wings, so far back Twist was there
穗龙长出翅膀前 纠纠还没有消失
She played yovidaphone, wasn't too great at it though
那时她吹牦牛笛 即使吹得并不好
Tried to get a loan when she broke Applejack's phone
Where's the fireworks filled with strings cheese
And who's the other mare that's poledancing at Trixie's
Did Fluttershy ever hook up with Discord
Whatever happened to
Parties. Galas. Wrapping up winter and-
Derpy, the cake twins, way before Twi got wings
有小呆 蛋糕双胞胎 这些美好回忆都在暮光长出翅膀前
There was Rainbow and AJ, and discord was still a bad guy
还有黛西 阿杰 那时的无序还是大反派
Now Cheese is in highschool, he tells her that she's a fool
如今小芝士是个高中生了 开始骂她是傻瓜
'Cause she thinks her friendships died
When Twilight, Twilight, Twilight learned to fly
She hates time, it's not fair, maybe Starlight's still got that spell somewhere
她厌恶时间不公 也许星光熠熠的咒语还在哪里
(spell somewhere)
Since when were Changelings considered good guys
Please make this stop. Stop. Stop.
请让这混乱的一切停 下 来 吧!
And bring back-
Derpy, the cake twins, way before Twi got wings
小呆 蛋糕双胞胎 这些美好回忆都在暮光长出翅膀前
There was Rainbow and AJ, and discord was still a bad guy
还有黛西 阿杰 那时的无序还是大反派
Now Cheese is in highschool, he tells her that she's a fool
如今小芝士是个高中生了 开始骂她是傻瓜
'Cause she thinks her friendships died
When Twilight learned to fly
Since miss Derpy, the cake twins, way before Twi got wings
有小呆 蛋糕双胞胎 这些美好回忆都在暮光长出翅膀前
There was Rainbow and AJ, and discord was still a bad guy
还有黛西 阿杰 那时的无序还是大反派
Now Cheese is in highschool, he tells her that she's a fool
如今小芝士是个高中生了 开始骂她是傻瓜
'Cause she thinks her friendships died
When Twilight, Twilight, Twilight learned to fly
1.Twilight Learned to Fly (feat. ShadyVox)