Spirit & up
Baby you can achieve it (宝贝!你能实现它 )
when you believe it (只要你相信)
just to be ready (做好准备)
its time to firing (是时候战斗了)
Baby theres nothing to it (宝贝!没什么不可能)
pick it up pick it up FLY away ! (继续战斗!继续战斗!飞吧!)
theres nothing to it. (没什么不可能)
yeah~ this is JL
凌晨两点 又过了凌晨两点
深夜特别漫长 呼吸越发困难
我的梦想跟恋爱一样的艰难 woo
生命是自由搏击 每当我来到这里
镜子里 手机里 KTV funy practice (有趣的KTV练习)
不想说话提高音量害怕面对自己 yo
Hey man! thats it just be a man (这是作为一个男人的原则)
you can be the best and you have to believe (你是最棒的,你必须相信)
不要停止脚步 迷惘不是全部
这就是你的时代 需要沉淀需要拥护
你是家人们的宝贝(星星)come on/ baby
Hands up and get high (举起手寻找欢乐)
lifes never gonna give you up. (生活从来不会放弃你)
Baby you can achieve it (宝贝!你能实现它 )
when you believe it (只要你相信)
just to be ready (做好准备)
its time to firing (是时候战斗了)
Baby theres nothing to it (宝贝!没什么不可能)
pick it up pick it up FLY away ! (继续战斗!继续战斗!飞吧!)
theres nothing to it. (没什么不可能)
---- (house) ---
I will never say never (我将永不言弃)
I will fight till forever (我将战斗到最后)
放学门口 有种别走 .
( this is party time)
baby you can achieve it (宝贝!你能实现它 )
baby to be ready (宝贝!做好准备)
baby you can achieve it (宝贝!你能实现它 )
to fly your dream away (去放飞你的梦想)