I Am Not Good At Not Getting What I Want

I suppose that I should count my blessings
For a young thing my world is not too bad
Got a window, a place with a pillow
and a friend or two
But ever since I saw his face that morning
Nothing else has got the same summer sheen
Will he notice my eyes have got so lonely?
He may not be the one
but I want him for my own and I know
I am not good at not getting what I want
I am not good at not getting what I want
Maybe I sound like a spoilt baby
But I know that there are some who have it all
I want to join them, to feel that glow around me
I want him more each day ?
cos he never looks my way and I know
I am not good at not getting what I want
I am not good at not getting what I want
If we ever found ourselves together
I can promise I will love you every day
But I've a feeling seeing is believing
You never look my way
so I want you more than I can say
I am not good at not getting what I want
I am not good at not getting what I want
I am not good at not getting what I want
I am not good at not getting what I want
1.I Won't Change You
2.I Am Not Good At Not Getting What I Want
3.I Won't Dance With You
4.Party In My Head
5.Mixed Up World
6.Making Music
7.Nowhere Without You
8.Another Day
9.Love It Is Love
10.You Get Yours
11.The Walls Keep Saying Your Name
12.Hello Hello