Sacred Concerto No. 9, "Sey den', yeho zhe sotvori Hospod'" (This is the day which the Lord hath made)

1.Sacred Concerto No. 9, "Sey den', yeho zhe sotvori Hospod'" (This is the day which the Lord hath made)
2.Izhe Kheruvimi (Cherubic Hymn): No. 7.
3.Sacred Concerto No. 24, "Vozvedokh ochi moi v hory" (I will lift up mine eyes to the mountains)
4.Choir Concerto:I. O pavelitel' sushcheva fsevo (O Master of all living)
5.Choir Concerto:II. Sabran' je pesen sikh, gde kazhdyj stikh (I, an expert in human passions)
6.Choir Concerto:III. Fsem tem kto vniknet fsushchnast (God, grant deliverance from sin)
7.Choir Concerto:IV. Sej trud, shto natchinal ja s upavan'jem (Complete this work which I began)