(Intro) Goodmorning, America

Oh, hey! Didn't see you there.
Enjoying the weather today?
Yeah me too man,
The sun is singing, the birds are shining...
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, as Kenny Rogers would say
Just another day in paradise
(gunshots and screams)
Yup, that tracks alright
Okay, so maybe I exaggerated
But before we go any further into this I just wanna make it painfully apparent that everything's got a price
Freedom included
But, uh, you're not stupid
I'm betting you already knew that much
Didn't cha'
1.American Saikoro
2.21st Century Haters (feat. Deadfool & Minari)
3.Gang Gang, Kawaii!!
4.(Intro) Goodmorning, America
5.Words That I Could Say to You
6.Speak of Devil (feat. Romonosov?)
7.(Outro) Goodnight, Japan
8.Dice of a Generation