Hic est dies verus Dei (Hymn for the Easter Liturgy of Milan) (Voice)

1.Gloria in excelsis Deo (Grand Doxology - Hymn to the Angels) (Voice)
2.Ut queant laxis (Hymn to St. John the Baptist) (Voice)
3.Te decet laus (Conclusion of the Matins) (Voice)
4.Aeterne rerum conditor (Hymn at Lauds on Sundays) (excerpt) (Voice)
5.Inventor rutili (Hymn for the Lighting of the Easter Fire) (Voice)
6.Mediae noctis tempus est (Hymn for the Night Vigil) (Voice)
7.A solis ortus cardine (Hymn for Christmas Vespers) (Voice)
8.Gloria, laus, et honor (Processional Hymn for Palm Sunday) (Voice)
9.Sancti, venite, Christi corpus (Celtic Hymn for Holy Thursday) (Voice)
10.Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor (Antiphon for the Washing of the Feet on Holy Thursday) (Voice)
11.Pange, lingua (Hymn to the Holy Cross on Good Friday) (Voice)
12.Hic est dies verus Dei (Hymn for the Easter Liturgy of Milan) (Voice)
13.Beata nobis gaudia (Hymn at Lauds for Pentecost) (Voice)
14.Ave, maris stella (Hymn to Mary) (Voice)
15.Aurea luce (Hymn for Vespers at the Feasts of Saints Peter and Paul) (Voice)
16.Urbs beata Ierusalem (Hymn for the Dedication of a Church) (Voice)
17.Alleluia, dulce carmen (Farewell to the Alleluia before Lent) (Voice)
18.O quanta, qualia (Hymn for Vespers on Saturdays) (Voice)