I feel like some Newcy Browns let’s do this 我感觉到了纽西布朗的味道,快上车
My name is Noise yo, but you knew this 我的名字叫做噪音哟哟,你知道的
Stay legit son, loose the numb noodle 看好你的儿子,松开你手上的面条
You’re missing so much, with rhymes that brutal 你错过太多,押韵太野蛮
You killed it son, the tracks no longer beating 你抛弃你的握把,铁轨都没动静
You got style like Z Cavarrichi pleating 你的风格像Z Cavarrichi褶裥
What you gonna show us next the damn tight roll 快亮出你的实力
Thinking you’re at the bar, you’re freight low 你的实力不仅仅在酒吧哼哼
You’re a boldface hater, and a hip hop dissenter 你是个胆大妄为的仇恨者,是个Hip hop的路人
In Hip Hop’s framed house, you wouldn’t be a splinter 在HIPHOP的框架房子里,你不会是一个碎片
Or even dust on a fad gone bad 或是一粒灰尘
Thinking you fly-guy, yous the wrong kind of rad 你就像鸟人,圆周率是你的极限
It’s Notebook son, raw nerd-word murderer 它是笔记本的握把,原始的书呆子杀手
So mentally challenged you couldn’t blur the drrrrrr. 所以精神上的挑战你不要模糊
I’m with Lloyd and Harry and Charlie Babbitt 我和Lloyd、Harry和Charlie Babbitt并肩作战
Playing keep away from Lenny with a dead rabbit 要想飞的远就离兰尼远点
I am unequivocally high, 我毫不含糊地说
In other words I dream right through the sky 我梦想着穿越天空
Cloud 9? Nah. I’m on 909 你在说C9?我还909
That’s 900 more than your average divine 我还比你多出900
Underground flow outer space brain 地下水向往太空
Capital letters seeking capital gain 寻求资本收益的大写字母
Transformation, rehabilitation 改造、康复
Bigger appetite and stronger legs chasing 更大的胃口和更粗的大腿
I am unequivocally driven 我毫不含糊地被驱使
I’ll still thrive, after I’m done living 我还活着,我仍然会茁壮成长
Go ahead ask a clairvoyant 像一个透视者向前看
Magical medium, spirit download torrent 魔法媒介,洪流倾斜
Save as, extract all files 留下,提取
Open with, adapt all styles 面对,适应
I love haters, I hate biters 我爱仇恨者,恨仇恨者
I eat sharks, and train good fighters 我爱鲨鱼,鲨鱼战士