
(Your voice is full of beautiful memories we have yet to make//
Linger and linger in afterglow, How wind can say I miss you. /流连在落日的余晖中,微风怎能说出我对你的想念。
Little by little that I approach your heart, dissolving in your beaming tender. /一点一点地,我接近你的心,在你的柔情中融化。
Every day every night you join my dream,around roaming through the stars. /你每天进入我的昼梦和夜梦,在星空穿梭漫游。
Looking and looking for you in the crowd, so shy when you cast a grin to my sight. /在人群中寻你的身影,你向我的视线投来一抹会心一击的微笑。
Hiding my little mind from you, pacing every tiny step. /将我的小小心思藏起来,小心试探每一步。
Cause we hide and seek,worrying you dissapear. Winter flakes bring us together. /因为我们总在捉迷藏,却又担心你消失不见,好在冬雪和你最终如期而至。
So I will expressing my lately swear to you, never mind a thousand time. /因此我向你说出我迟来的誓言,千千万万遍也不会在意。
You can see twinkle stars cast my wish for you, when the time I am not be your side. /当我不在你身边的时候,星星会眨眼替我传达祝愿。
So that we heart to heart always synchronize, whenever and wherever. /这样我们相连的心就能产生共鸣,无论何时,无论身处何处。
Together envisage future yet to come in the mutual world, never absent from your life. /期盼着我们共同的未来,在两个人的世界里,我永远不会缺席你的生活。
Linger and linger in afterglow, How wind can say I miss you. /流连在落日的余晖中,微风怎能说出我对你的想念。
Little by little that I approach your heart, dissolving in your beaming tender. /一点一点地,我接近你的心,在你的柔情中融化。
Every day every night you join my dream,around roaming through the stars. /你每天进入我的昼梦和夜梦,在星空穿梭漫游。
Looking and looking for you in the crowd, so shy when you cast a grin to my sight. /在人群中寻你的身影,你向我的视线投来一抹会心一击的微笑。
Hiding my little mind from you, pacing every tiny step. /将我的小小心思藏起来,小心试探每一步。
Cause we hide and seek,worrying you dissapear. Winter flakes bring us together. /因为我们总在捉迷藏,却又担心你消失不见,好在冬雪和你最终如期而至。
So I will expressing my lately swear to you, never mind a thousand time. /因此我向你说出我迟来的誓言,千千万万遍也不会在意。
You can see twinkle stars cast my wish for you, when the time I am not be your side. /当我不在你身边的时候,星星会眨眼替我传达祝愿。
So that we heart to heart always synchronize, whenever and wherever. /这样我们相连的心就能产生共鸣,无论何时,无论身处何处。
Together envisage future yet to come in the mutual world, never absent from your life. /期盼着我们共同的未来,在两个人的世界里,我永远不会缺席你的生活。