Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Sicut locutus est

1.Vespers of 1610: Dixit Dominus
2.Vespers of 1610: Laetatus sum
3.Vespers of 1610: Lauda Jerusalem (High)
4.Vespers of 1610: Nisi Dominus
5.Vespers of 1610: Deus in adiutorium meum intende
6.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Et exultavit
7.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Quia respexit
8.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Quia fecit mihi magna
9.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Deposuit potentes
10.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Et misericordia
11.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Esurientes
12.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Suscepit Israel
13.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Fecit potentiam
14.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Gloria Patri
15.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Magnificat
16.Vespers of 1610: Lauda Jerusalem (Low)
17.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Et exultavit
18.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Quia respexit
19.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Quia fecit mihi magna
20.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Sicut locutus est
21.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Sicut erat
22.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Esurientes
23.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Deposuit potentes
24.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Sicut locutus est
25.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Et misericordia
26.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Gloria Patri
27.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Fecit potentiam
28.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Sicut erat
29.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (Low): Suscepit Israel
30.Vespers of 1610: Nigra sum
31.Vespers of 1610: Laudate pueri
32.Vespers of 1610: Duo Seraphim
33.Vespers of 1610: Audi coelum
34.Vespers of 1610: Pulchra es
35.Vespers of 1610: Sonata sopra Santa Maria
36.Vespers of 1610: Ave maris stella
37.Vespers of 1610, Magnificat (High): Magnificat