You bruise like a cherry, my darling girl
Words they mean nothing to some in this world
I want you to know I thought of you last night
And I cried
Play indie rock if that's what you want
Quote Mike Leigh films, it will turn them all on
I heard that you're going on a first date
Well that's great
Don't apologize
Try your best not to disguise
To get misty eyed
You know that it's fine
Sometimes it feels like you're the only one
A freckle appeared on your lip from the sun
Those kids that you hang with, they put you down
Make no sound
2.En Noches Como La De Hoy
3.Sunday Sahara Spain
4.Si hoy
5.Un Poco De Sed
6.Jamás Te He Olvidado
8.A Sister's Social Agony
10.El Bello Verano