You know that One's too many and a hundred ain't enough
For a commoner luck give me more oh that stuff oh baby
And Pipey Magraw
I Said Pipey Magraw
That's Pipey Magraw
I run a monkey casino
I gotta head full of beano
I hear the voices of evil
Telling me to do murder
I got false feel
I got false friends
I got a rum deal
I got a slow train
It's coming round the bend
And believe me
You know you wouldn't wanna be me
You wouldn't want the shame or the strain of my name
But if I can live my life all over again
There's no thing I'd change
Bilo, they call me Billy Bilo
I'm like a fish on a lilo, I' m all out of place
It's written all over my face
Pipey Magraw
Pipey Magraw Pipey Magraw Pipey Magraw