With your hair of flaming Roses
Your kiss - Medusa's touch
Turn me to a pillar of salt
To die now would be perfection
Then my lonliness closes in
So, I drink a German wine
And drift in dreams of other lives
And greater times
White sheets wrap my mind
In drunken thoughts of runes and men
Why does the devil leave for us
This legacy of lonliness
This cry for the moon
And a dagger's thrust
With your hair of flaming blooms
And your eyes of saintly dusk
Then my lonliness closes in
So, I drink a German wine
And drift in dreams of other lives
And greater times...
1.Peaceful Snow
2.Fall Apart
3.Murder Made History
4.Golden Wedding of Sorrow
5.She Said Destroy
6.My Company of Corpses
7.Wolf Rose
8.Fire Feast
9.The Scents of Genocide
10.A Nausea
11.Life Under Siege
12.The Maverick Chamber
13.Jesus, Junk and the Jurisdiction
14.Luther’s Army
15.Runes and Men
16.Rose Clouds of Holocaust
17.Red Odin Day
18.Cemetery Cove
19.Our Ghosts Gather
20.Leopard flowers
21.Neutralize Decay
22.Hail! The White Grain
23.Break the Black Ice
24.But What Ends With the Symbols Shatter?
25.The Enemy Within
26.Heaven Street
27.The Glass Coffin
30.To Drown a Rose