Call from the Grave

God of Heaven,
Hear my cries of anguish
I'm in pain
I've suffered a thousand deaths but
I live on in vain
Death would greet with eternal sleep
My soul would come to peace
My life had ceased
The time was comed
Can no-one hear my pleas
Lowered down in the moisty ground
Into the dark and cold
My heart's beat the only sound
Pain tears my limbs and soul
I scream for mercy
Hear my cries
Oh, Lord don't abandon me
I'm so tired
Grant me the eternal sleep
I tear at the lid
I'm suffering
In a cold and nameless grave
If Hell is what awaits me
I feel no fright
Buried and forgotten
In a cold and nameless grave
If there's a
God in heaven
Hear my call from the grave...... [Repeat last two verses]
1.The Return of Darkness and Evil
2.Shores in Flames
3.One Rode to ASA Bay
4.Bond of Blood
5.The Golden Walls of Heaven
6.Die in Fire
7.Twilight of the Gods
8.Call from the Grave
9.Burnin' Leather
11.Total Destruction
12.Raise the Dead