Mystery Sonata No. 6: The Agony in the Garden

1.Mystery Sonata No. 6: The Agony in the Garden
2.Condensation Towards Yellow VII
3.Mystery Sonata No. 9: The Carrying of the Cross (With Introduction and Interlude By Barry Guy)
4.Veni Creator Spiritus (Hymne 9th Century and Improvisation)
5.Hero VII
6.Proximity III
7.15.Proximity III
8.Field On Thirty-Two Parts in Four Colours
9.Enclosed Nucleus II
10.Two Surrounded Squares III
11.Nine Accentuations IV
12.Quiet V
13.Construction in Black VII
15.Going Home
17.La Bella Fortuna II
18.Reflection IV
19.Whistling V
20.Shadow VI
21.Mystery Sonata No. 15: The Coronation of the Virgin (Canzona and Sarabanda)