Why are we here? What's life all about?
Is God really real, or is there some doubt?
Well, tonight, we're going to sort it all out,
For, tonight, it's 'The Meaning of Life'.
What's the point of all this hoax?
Is it the chicken and the egg time? Are we just yolks?
Or, perhaps, we're just one of God's little jokes.
Well, ça c'est 'The Meaning of Life'.
Is life just a game where we make up the rules
While we're searching for something to say,
Or are we just simply spiralling coils
Of self-replicating DN-- nay, nay, nay, nay, nay, nay, nay.
What is life? What is our fate?
Is there a Heaven and Hell? Do we reincarnate?
Is mankind evolving, or is it too late?
Well, tonight, here's 'The Meaning of Life'.
For millions, this 'life' is a sad vale of tears,
Sitting 'round with really nothing to say
While the scientists say we're just simply spiralling coils
Of self-replicating DN-- nay, nay, nay, nay, nay, nay, nay.
So, just why-- why are we here,
And just what-- what-- what-- what do we fear?
Well, ce soir, for a change, it will all be made clear,
For this is 'The Meaning of Life'. C'est le sens de la vie.
This is 'The Meaning of Life'.
1.Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life
2.Galaxy Song
3.I Like Chinese
4.Sit On My Face
5.Knights Of The Round Table
6.Brian Song
7.Lumberjack Song
8.Bruces' Philosophers' Song
9.Every Sperm Is Sacred
10.***** Song (Not The Noel Coward Song)
11.Decomposing Composers
12.Christmas In Heaven
13.Spam Song
14.I've Got Two Legs
15.Henry Kissinger
16.Meaning Of Life
17.Eric The Half A Bee
18.All Things Dull And Ugly
20.Medical Love Song
21.Money Song
22.Never Be Rude To An Arab
23.Oliver Cromwell
24.I'm So Worried
25.Accountancy Shanty