I had a cure, for your diseasebut you threw it awayand you made it clear
I was not welcome on these seasand you threw it away
So I sailed and
I sailed for so longmy hair grew long and my heart grew cold
I face certain death without you near
And I felt the storm and swam until the skies were clearand
I found a home along this crooked road
And all of this would have beenall of this could have been yours
All of this should have beenall of this could have been yours
Black clouds roll, right over red doorsas the waves were highsooo was iand the moon never looked so angryas when your walls came crumbling down.
It was so beautiful
It was so peaceful
All the destruction, it was quiet
All of this would have beenall of this could have been yours
All that you love, will be carried awayoh all that you love, will be carried away
All of my pain, that you put on my nameall of my doubt, and all of my shame
All of my guilt, my denial and fearall of my hatred and all of my tears
All of the time that
I couldnt go homeall of the times that
I froze all alone
All of the sadness all of the liesall of the shadows that blackened my eyes
All of the servants, who cheated, who stoleall of the colors from the depths of my soul
All of the wounded, that you left for deadnow creep in the corner, they're all in my head
All of the dreams that you made nightmaresall of the silence, deafening stares
All of the ships who can't carry loadsyou wrecked in anger, along distant shores
All of this would have beenall of this could have been yours
All of this should have beenall of this could have been yours.
1.Wake Up!