I came to see the end but it already began a lifetime of consequence unleashed in a moment
I rolled up on the end with my **** in my hand where had the time gone and who are my friends
I came to see the end
I saw it second hand unholy waters heaven sent to take the lamb there comes a time my friend when you must defend what you believe at least that's what they said
I wish that someone would stop me from driving into the sun
I hope that someone will be there when
I crash and burn
I hear it's unhealthy to inhale methane through a hollow stick but you'd eat a **** sandwich if you thought it would make you look slick down here we don't take unkindly to your metal debauchery
I came to see the end but it already began
I sat down with misery and we became friends we rolled up on the end helluva time we all had now that we've been there we won't come back again
I hear it's unhealthy to inhale methane through a hollow stick although the motive is still suspect the outcome remains the same the bleeding injustice you've unearthed smells of its disdain
2.The Way Of The Leeches
3.Motel Surgery
4.Learn To Fly: Descent
5.Vision Quest