more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
I do wanna mo wuwu
more and more
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
I do wanna mo wuwu
more and more
当月亮照我身上 散发的光芒
丛林的头狼 漏出了獠牙
变大的乔巴 靡丽的出场
l got it 对虚情假意 say **** it
you konw me 贪婪是进步的动力
I do wanna more 看我荧绿色的眼睛
在盯着甜品 不存在808把猎物拖进八重陷阱
天上的馅饼 让你流泪这是点缀陷阱的片尾 画龙点睛
台上的兄弟伙丢了我麦克风 vroom 我变成了Monstar
好好的欣赏 小爷的show time 别傻傻的站在那!
台下的sexy baby 面满着春光 等着我看着她
l do wanna do 让我变得lonely
听这首歌的type 让你钻不到任何空隙
只做我自己想要做的 不想听你放屁
写下贪婪的vibe 麻袋装走我的money
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
I do wanna mo wuwu
more and more
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
I do wanna mo wuwu
more and more
hey my bro 别等着火烧眉头
握紧你的拳头 机会在等着你letisgo
l want say 没有欲望才会变得残废
oh yeye
清楚我 到的地方 去的位置
告诉她没事 赚到最贵的配饰
Because that is battle to me
我喜欢待在studio 里面不用休息
当欲望占领我的大脑 浮现出的情景
get want i want 老子才不听你逼逼
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
I do wanna mo wuwu
more and more
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
more and more wuwu
I do wanna mo wuwu
more and more