Ozi Vezimrat-Ya (My Strength and the Song of God Are My Redeemers)

1.Los Cuatro Muleros (The Four Mule Drivers)
2.The Wild Grass
3.Ha-Na-Ava Ba-Ba-Not (The Most Beautiful of All Girls)
4.Kismai-Agam (The Beautiful Lake)
6.Mul Ha-Ohel Kol Halail (Facing the Tent in the Night)
7.Ar Hyd Y Nos (All Through the Night)
8.Ain-Adir Ka Adonai (There Is No One Greater)
9.Maritzai Divoyko (Maritzai from Divoyko)
10.Ozi Vezimrat-Ya (My Strength and the Song of God Are My Redeemers)
11.Shemu Shochnai Ohalim _ Pashtu Kvasim (Two Shepherds' Songs)
12.Quando Mamma A-Te-Ta Fatta (When Your Mother Made You)
13.Henai Akallaila (I Will Pipe to the Flock)
14.Yalail, Yalail (O Night, O Night)
15.Yesh Challil Ne-Elam (The Invisible Pipe)
16.I Don't Care Where They Bury My Body
17.Shepherd's Song
18.Stenka Razin