Away, ye gay landscapes, ye gardens of roses
In you let the minions of luxury rove
Restore me the rocks where the snow-flake reposes
If still they are sacred to freedom and love
Yet Caledonia, belov'd are thy mountains,
Round their white summits the elements war,
Though cataracts foam 'stead of smooth-flowing fountains
I sigh for the valley of dark Lochnagar
Years have roll'd on, Lochnagar, since I left you!
Years must elapse ere I tread you again
Though nature of verdure and flow'rs has bereft you,
Yet still are you dearer than Albion's plain.
England, thy beauties are tame and domestic
To one who has roamed over mountains afar
Oh! for the crags that are wild and majestic,
The steep frowning glories of dark Lochnagar.
1.Skye Boat Song
2.Dark Lochnagar