I sat back, buckled up, and ready to fly it
Who would’ve known it's a bumpy journey
Hospital called sayin I didn’t get it
Went bar surfing cos I gotta celebrate it
I wanna take a bite of that light
cos the president said it could kill the virus
They blame all the miseries caused by negativity
Where there is shadow there is light, you shall stay positive
No pant, no fever, no anger nor dejection
I’m a Stepford wife,
Joana and Sarah are both my neighbors
How could u put me on that brutal ugly hanging rope
Then tell me it's ok, tell me it is oh so ****ing dope
All I can hang on is that sad little hopeless hope
Yet You don't even use a god damn mask nor soap
We have learned nothing from the history
Dark ages were not even close to the darkest
We still living in fear every day in 21st century
this time are we putting our trust in scientists?
The big bad boss then gave me more of OTs
While I started coughing, and feeling very under
A bolt from the blue when, the devastating news came
Doc said "I'm sorry, it was a false negative"
Every little past frustration
Like a hammer banging in my all ****ed-up head
像個未爆彈在行走 從沒停過 沒提過
內心 壓力鍋 外與內在夾擊中
總以為別人說的好 就好 把自己丟到
加個人設 才安心
壓抑人格 在佔據
假的真的 別探清
做就對了 誰滿意?
相信自己相信未來正能量要填滿該死 再拼 再拼
耍什麼脾氣什麼個性 no
誰要管你甘願 怕你翻臉?
沒立場放飛 別覺得太理想
再退後一次 最後一次 再來一次 結束沒?
一堆標籤 還不夠
認同 不夠
害怕 不同