Wear something bright and turn away
Imagine girls behaving in that way
Why don't you pack your bags and leave?
Look here's another bruise I didn't see
You can't say, "It doesn't really matter"
This isn't T.V., he isn't William Shatner
Oh I've told you before
These days you look so pale and thin
Wave down the bus and let's be rid of him
You've spend this night beside your T.V. set
Remember when you used to laugh at it
You laughed a bit
You can't say, "It doesn't really matter"
This isn't T.V., he isn't William Shatner
Oh I've told you before
You can't say, "It doesn't really matter"
This isn't T.V., he isn't William Shatner
1.Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft!
2.My Favourite Dress
3.Getting Nowhere Fast
4.What Did Your Last Servant Die Of?
5.Give My Love to Kevin
6.All About Eve
7.Don't Be So Hard
8.A Million Miles
9.All This and More
10.Something and Nothing
12.Anyone Can Make a Mistake
13.It's What You Want That Matters
14.You Can't Moan Can You?