Ivan the Terrible:15. Song About the Beaver (Yefrosiniya's Lullaby)

1.Ivan the Terrible:1. Overture
2.Ivan the Terrible:2. March of the Young Ivan
3.Ivan the Terrible:3. The Broad Expanse of the Sea
4.Ivan the Terrible:4. I Shall Be Tsar!
5.Ivan the Terrible:8. The Swan
6.Ivan the Terrible:8a. Glorification
7.Ivan the Terrible:10. The Tartars
8.Ivan the Terrible:14. Yefrosiniya and Anastasiya
9.Ivan the Terrible:11. The Cannon-founders
10.Ivan the Terrible:12. Forward to Kazan!
11.Ivan the Terrible:7. The Simpleton
12.Ivan the Terrible:12a. At the Polish Court
13.Ivan the Terrible:9. On the Bones of Our Enemies
14.Ivan the Terrible:5. The Uspensky Cathedral
15.Ivan the Terrible:6. Many Years!
16.Ivan the Terrible:13. Ivan Intreats the Boyars
17.Ivan the Terrible:15. Song About the Beaver (Yefrosiniya's Lullaby)
18.Ivan the Terrible:16. Ivan at the Grave of Anastasiya
19.Ivan the Terrible:17. Chorus of the Oprichniks
20.Ivan the Terrible:17a. The Oath of the Oprichniks
21.Ivan the Terrible:18. Song of Fyodor Basmanov and the Oprichniks
22.Ivan the Terrible:20. Final
23.Ivan the Terrible:19. The Dance of the Oprichniks