Kiss me on the mouth and set me free 亲吻我 让我释放,
Sing me like a choir 我像唱诗班一样唱着歌,
I can be the subject of your dreams 我可以成为你梦中的主角,
Your sickening desire 你病态的渴望,
Don't you wanna see a man up close 难道你不想看他 靠近他吗,
A phoenix in the fir e欲火中的凤凰,
So kiss me on the mouth and set me free 所以亲吻我 让我释放,
But please don't bite 但请你要温柔,
You can coax the cold right out of me 你可以像哄冰块一样哄我,
Drape me in your warmth 把我搂在你的怀里,
The rapture in the dark puts me at ease 黑暗中的快乐让我安心,
The blind eye of the storm 对暴风雨视而不见,
Let's go for a walk down Easy Street 我们一起走上街去,
Where you can be reborn 那里是可以让你重生的地方,
And kiss me on the mouth and set me free 所以请亲吻我 让我释放,
But please don't bite但是请你温柔
Aah I'm pulling on your heart to push my love我把你的心和我的爱连在一起
Aah cause who's got any time for growing up 因为谁还有时间长大呢