L: All this violence is puzzling
Maybe the law should intervene.
M: All this violence is threatening
Hate is in need of censoring.
L+M: Ban hate and violence for our convenience (x2)
(Repeat once)
L: Don't we all know the dangers
Of two conflicting viewpoints?
M: An active troublemaker (?)
Banning the flame of dissent
L+M: So much aggravation!
L: To all haters: We'll create some laws to stop you.
M: You're the danger; you really shouldn't be allowed
L: They piss on morality!
M: They detest humanity!
L: Those savages should be banned!
M: They're so deeply offensive!
L+M: Somebody shut them up!
(Throughout the following section Mary (I think) sings
something like: "once you catch them, kill them, kill
L: War can't help it
They'll still be full of hate and ****
M: But it's handy,
We'll blame it on human nature.
(Repeat from "They piss on... to "Somebody shut them
L: We'll censor the hell out of you...
M: We'll coerce evil out of you...
L: We'll cut you're tongue if we have to...
M: You're the baddies and we hate you...
(Repeat once)
1.Jenny Ondioline
2.Moogie Wonderland
3.Ping Pong (Single Version)
5.Spinal Column
6.With Friends Like These
8.Miss Modular
9.Cybele's Reverie
12.Wow And Flutter
13.Ping Pong (Unreleased LP version)
14.Golden Ball
15.Pain Et Spectacles
16.French Disco