Cover it up,you like to play your own game
掩盖事实 你就爱玩属于你的虚幻游戏
Cover it up,don't let them know what you're thinking
隐匿真心 不让旁人知道你的所思所想
I bet you never tell them how it feels
我敢打赌 你永远不会告诉别人你的真情实感
I bet you never even try to be real
我敢赌 你从未想过真实的存活于世
Cover it up,you like to play your own game
藏匿于虚幻 你只爱自定规则的游戏
Cover it up,don't let them know what you're thinking
埋藏真实 不让任何人窥探你的内心
I bet you never tell them how it feels
我知道 你一向怯懦 不敢坦诚相对
I bet you never try to be real
我明白 你不愿向现实世界迈出一步
Cover it up,you like to play your own game
遮盖真相 你只沉溺于你虚构出的游戏
Cover it up,don't let them know what you're thinking
粉饰真情 不让他人探寻你内心的真实
I bet you never tell them how it feels
我了解 你不敢显露出内心的柔软
I bet you never even try to be real
我清楚 你不愿触及这虚与实的边界
Cover it up,you like to play your own game
躲避起来 你甘愿困顿于自缚的枷锁
Cover it up,don't let them know what you're thinking
隐藏起来 用坚实的城墙守住真心
I bet you never tell them how it feels
我懂 你永远无法对着虚伪去袒露真情
I bet you never try to be real
我懂 面对冰冷的现实 你宁愿执迷于美好虚幻