20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):No. 13. Tunge, morke natteskyer (Heavy, gloomy clouds of night)

1.En snes danske viser (A Score of Danish Songs), Vol. 1, FS 70 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):En snes danske viser (A Score of Danish Songs), Vol. 1, FS 70: No. 20. Nu er Dagen fuld af Sang (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
2.Frydeligt med jubelkor (Jubilation, shouts of glee), FS 34a (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
3.Folkehojskolens Melodibog (Folk High School Melody Book), FS 103 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):Folkehojskolens Melodibog (Folk High School Melody Book), FS 103: No. 2. Paskeblomst! hvad vil du her? (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
4.Tove, FS 43 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):Tove, FS 43: No. 1. Vi sletternes sonner (We sons of the plain) (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
5.6 Songs, Op. 10, FS 18 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):6 Songs, Op. 10, FS 18: No. 4. Sang bag ploven (Song Behind the Plough) (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
6.En snes danske viser (A Score of Danish Songs), Vol. 2, FS 78 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):En snes danske viser (A Score of Danish Songs), Vol. 2, FS 78: No. 40. Se dig ud en Sommerdag (Look about one summer day) (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
7.20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):No. 18. Frihed er det bedste guld (Freedom is the purest gold)
8.2 aandelige sange (2 Spiritual Songs), FS 92 (version for choir):2 aandelige sange (2 Spiritual Songs), FS 92: No. 2. Udrundne er de gamle dage (version for choir)
9.Willemoes, FS 44 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):Willemoes, FS 44: No. 4. Havets Sang (Song of the Sea) (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
10.20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):No. 19. Nu lyser lov i lunde (The greenwood leaves are light now)
11.20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):No. 7. Der sad en fisker sa tankefuld (There sat a fisherman deep in thought)
12.4 Folkelige Melodier (4 Folk Melodies), FS 101 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):4 Folkelige Melodier (4 Folk Melodies), FS 101: No. 4. Nu skal det abenbares (This is the revelation) (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
13.Moderen (The Mother), Op. 41, FS 94 (version for choir):Moderen (The Mother), Op. 41, FS 94: No. 8. Som en rejselysten flade (Like a fleet ready to set sail) (version for choir)
14.Du danske mand (You Danish Man), FS 35 (version for choir)
15.20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):No. 1. Pa det jaevne, pa det jaevne! (Simple-rooted, simple-rooted!)
16.20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):No. 2. Derfor kan vort oje glaedes (Wherefore do our eyes feel pleasure)
17.Strofiske Sange (Strophic Songs), Op. 21, FS 42 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):Strofiske Sange (Strophic Songs), Op. 21, FS 42: No. 3. Hvem sidder der bag skaermen (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
18.20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):No. 13. Tunge, morke natteskyer (Heavy, gloomy clouds of night)
19.10 Danske smasange (10 Little Danish Songs), FS 114 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):10 Danske smasange (10 Little Danish Songs), FS 114: No. 10. Den danske Sang er en ung, blond Pige (arr. M. Bojesen for choir)
20.20 Folkelige Melodier (20 Folk Melodies), FS 95 (arr. M. Bojesen for choir):No. 17. Betragt mit svage spind (Behold my web, how frail)