1.Chorus: My Lord, What a Morning
2.The Seventh Day
3.The Fifth Day
4.The Second Day
5.Chorus: Oh, Lord, What a Beautiful City
6.The Third Day
7.God Created Eve
8.The First Day
9.The Sixth Day: God Created Adam
10.The Fourth Day
11.Conclusion, Adam and Eve
12.Chorus: Sometimes I feel Like a Motherless Child
13.The Garden of Eden
14.Chorus: Too Late, Sinner
15.Cain and Abel
16.The Serpent, Apple, and Expulsion
17.Chorus: Noah, Noah, Hold On
18.God Brings the Flood
19.The Flood, with chorus: Didn't It Rain
20.The Rains Abate
21.Abraham and Sarah
22.Abraham and Isaac
23.Chorus: You hear the Lambs A-Cryin'
24.Abraham and Isaac, conclusion
25.The Story of Joseph
26.Jacob in Israel, with chorus: We Are Climbing Jacob's Ladder
27.Israel's People in Egypt
28.The Infant Moses
29.The Plagues of Egypt
30.The Death of Moses
31.Moses Flees Egypt
32.Chorus: Go Down Moses
33.The Burning Bush
34.The Parting of the Red Sea
35.Chorus: Mary, Don't You Weep
36.Chorus: Come and Go With Me
37.Water From a Rock, Manna from Heaven
38.The Ten Commandments; The Golden Calf
39.Contention Among the Israelites
40.Chorus: There is a Balm in Gilead
41.The Last Blessing of Moses
42.Chorus: Deep River