A perfectly awful day
The first Monday of every month
Every floor scrubbed
Every chair dusted
A perfectly awful day
Every bed without a wrinkle
Every hair combed on 97 orphans
Poor Jerusha Abbot
Has to Bare the brunt of it all
Poor Jerusha Abbot
The oldest orphan in the John grier home
A perfectly awful day
The trustees come to visit
Taking tea breaks
Having reports written
They hurry away in the night
For houses in the city
And I watch them
With 97 orphans
Poor Jerusha Abbot
Never to break free from this place
Poor Jerusha Abbot
The oldest orphan in the John grier home
Little Tommy Dylan comes singing up the stairs
Jerusha Abbott
You are wanted
In the office
And you better hurry up
Who wants me
Mrs Lippett
In the office
And I think she's really mad
Where did I go wrong
Were the sandwiches not thin enough
Were there shells in the nutcakes
Where did I go wrong
Did a lady visitor
See the hole in Susie Hawthorne's stocking
A perfectly awful day
A silhouetted figure
Tall and gangly
Shrouded in the darkness
I cannot see his face
But the headlights in the driveway
Cast a shadow
Sharp against the wall
Looking like a daddy long legs
The biggest one that I had ever seen
A creeping crawling daddy long legs
And it makes me laugh
On this awful day
Me Jerusha Abbott
The oldest orphan in the John Grier Home