2 Romances, Op. 84:No. 2. Utro nad Kavkaze (Morning in the Caucasus)

1.4 Romances, Op. 46:No. 1. Vozrozhdenie (Rebirth)
2.2 Fables of Krïlov, Op. 4:No. 1. Strekoza i muravei (The Dragonfly and the Ant) (version for voice and piano)
3.6 Romances, Op. 21a:No. 4. V pervij i poslednij ras (For the First and Last Time) (version for voice and piano)
4.2 Romances, Op. 84:No. 1. Ballad
5.2 Romances, Op. 84:No. 2. Utro nad Kavkaze (Morning in the Caucasus)
6.6 Verses, Op. 143:No. 2. Otkuda takaja nezhnost (Whence Comes Such Tenderness?)
7.6 Verses, Op. 143:No. 5. Net, bil baraban… (No, the Drum was Beating)
8.6 Romances, Op. 62:No. 5. Sonnet No. 66
9.Iz yevreyskoy narodnoy poėzii (From Jewish Folk Poetry), Op. 79:No. 3. Kolybelnaya (Lullaby)
10.Grecheskiye pesni (Greek Songs):No. 3. Zolongo
11.Ispanskiye pesni (Spanish Songs), Op. 100:No. 1. Protschay, Grenada (Farewell, Granada)
12.Ispanskiye pesni (Spanish Songs), Op. 100:No. 2. Zvezdotschki (Little Stars)
13.Satirï (Satires), Op. 109, "Pictures of the Past" (excerpts):No. 4. Nedorazumeniye (Misunderstanding)
14.Preface to the Complete Edition of my Works and a Brief Reflection apropos of this Preface, Op. 123
15.Suite, Op. 145, "Suite on Verses of Michelangelo Buonarroti":XI. Bessmertie (Immortality)
16.Satirï (Satires), Op. 109, "Pictures of the Past" (excerpts):No. 2. Probuzhdenije vesni (Spring Awakening)
17.6 Romances, Op. 62:No. 6. Korolevskiy pochod (The King's Campaign)
18.Iz yevreyskoy narodnoy poėzii (From Jewish Folk Poetry), Op. 79:No. 5. Predosterezhenie (Warning)
19.Grecheskiye pesni (Greek Songs):No. 2. Pentozalis
20.6 Romances, Op. 21a:No. 2. Pered samoubijstvom (Before the Suicide) (version for voice and piano)