1.E.Derbenko. Concert fantasy
2.E.Derbenko. Concert variations on the theme of the Russian folk song "I Go by the Meadow"
3.V.Gridin. Rassypukha
4.V.Gridin. The Naughty Tunes
5.N.Kanaev. Fantasy on the Theme of the Russian folk song "Thin Rowan-Tree"
6.S.Konyaev. Scherzo
7.V.Podgorny. Fantasy on the Theme of the Ukrainian folk song "Blow, Wind to Ukraine"
8.G.Shenderev. The Scenes of the Volga
9.J.Strauss. Waltz "The Springtime Voices"
10.G.Shenderev. Vesnyanka and Gopak
11.A.Joys. Waltz "The Autumn Dream"
12.Y.Shishakov. Fantasy The Scenes of Uglich
13.E.Derbenko. The New Quadrille