What is a Youth -Teddy Robin &The Playboys
What is a youth impetuous fire
何所谓少年:情火燃 赤忱烈
What is a maid ice and desire
何所谓少女:梦中缘 冰雪洁
The world wags on
A rose will bloom
It then will fade
So does a youth
此所谓 曾经少年
So does the fairest maid
此所谓 最是人间佳丽 曾经少女
Comes a time when one sweet smile
佳期良宵 遇得樱唇含笑
Has a season for a while
含笑 情动恰逢此刻生效
Then love's in love with me
那不妨 许你情深 融我爱浓
Some they think only to marry
这人 游了爱河舒服够 进了婚堂便是头
Others will tease and tarry
那人 嬉笑怒骂酸腐臭 情场满是套路走
Mine is the very best parry
我且为情爱 道出个最是好信的缘由
Cupid he rules us all
问世间 谁不是爱神的奴
Caper the cape but sing me the song
我请有情人儿 载歌载舞吧 把爱好好唱
Death will come soon to hush us along
转瞬 亡凉浸得人寥落 不容爱侣厮守长
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall
相伴胜过沾蜜甜 相思更比尝胆苦
Love is a task and it never will pall
情虽多磨人不厌 情虽成往人难度
Sweeter than honey and bitter as gall
相伴胜过沾蜜甜 相思更比尝胆苦
Cupid he rules us all
问世间 谁不是爱神的奴
1.Pretty Blue Eyes
2.Windmills of Your Mind
3.Norman's Fancy - Theme From "Sound Beat"
4.Magic Colours
5.I Can't Grow Peaches On A Cherry Tree
6.We Can't Go On This Way
7.Melody Fayre
8.What is a Youth
9.I Dreamed of You Last Night
10.Younger Girl
12.Hanky Panky
13.Don't You Try To Love Somebody Like Me
15.Language of Love
16.Sands of Time
17.You' d Better Cry
18.See You In September
19.C'Mon Kitty Kitty (Let's Go To The City)
21.Change of Heart
23.In September
24.Take My Life
26.The In-Place