Deloria悠哥:We Can take it higher让一切更加活力
A.C.E:I can hear the thunder,我能听见如雷咆哮,
Coming from your mouth,从你的嘴里冲出,
And I know my number's up,我知道我的霉运要来了,
Give me some Stevie Wonder,给我听些Stevie Wonder的歌吧,
Quick put it on before we go under,在我们走下坡路前快点放起来吧,
小驴:I can see the lightning,我能望见闪电,
Coming from your ears yeah I see you're frightened,从你的双耳里冒出,我看得出你很恐慌,
I can see the lion,我看见了狮子,
Sleeps tonight in the tears you're crying,今晚在你流下的眼泪里熟睡,
A.C.E∇oria悠哥&Chris晨曦:Cant love me unless you love you too,你不能爱我除非你学会自爱,
Treat yourself like nothing but a fool,千万别像一个傻子一样对待自己,
Can't love me unless you love you too,如果你不能爱你自己,也别来爱我,
Love you too,学会爱自己,
小驴&羽毛&A.C.E:Come now set the past on fire,来吧,把过去的一切燃尽,
Stand up raise your face to the sky my love,站起身,仰起头面对着天空吧,亲爱的,
Together we can take it higher,我们携手,让气氛更加鼓噪,
Together we can take it higher,我们在一起,将气氛炒热,
Come now set the past on fire,让过去在火焰中消失吧,
Stand up raise your face to the sky my love,站起身来,将脸面对天空,
Together we can take it higher,我们一起来让一切更加有活力,
Together we can take it higher,只要携手,我们能让一切变得更加有趣,
Chris晨曦:I can see the rainbow,我能看到这彩虹,
Coming from your heart and it's all ok so,从你的心流淌而出,一切都好,
Come now see you're my angel,来吧,你现在就是我的天使,
Say bye to the past, hello to tomorrow,向过去挥手道别,向明天打招呼,
Deloria悠哥&小驴&Chris晨曦:Cant love me unless you love you too,比我之前学会爱自己吧,
Treat yourself like nothing but a fool,不要觉得自己不够聪明,
Can't love me unless you love you too,不要试图来给我爱除非你爱你自己,
Love you too,也爱你自己,
羽毛&小驴&Chris晨曦:Come now set the past on fire,把过往丢进火中,
Stand up raise your face to the sky my love,站起身面对天空吧,
Together we can take it higher,在一起我们让一切更上一步,
Together we can take it higher,携手并肩,我们会走上新的高度,
Come now set the past on fire,把以前的事都遗忘了吧,
Stand up raise your face to the sky my love,站起身来,将你的面庞面向天空,
Together we can take it higher,我们在一起,让一切更加充满活力,
Together we can take it higher,让我们携手,炒热这气氛吧,
羽毛:I want love,我渴望爱,
I want to give it,我也想给别人爱,
I want love,我想要爱,
Please deliver it,请把它发给我,
I want love,我渴求爱,
I want to give it,但我也想赠予他人,
I want love,我想要爱,
Please deliver it,将它播散给众人,
Deloria悠哥:I want love,我需要爱,
I want to give it,我想要托付于他人,
I want love,我渴求爱,
Please deliver it,祈求将它分给所有的人,
I want love,我想要爱,
I want to give it,我也想给他人爱,
I want love,我祈求爱的到来,
Please deliver it,请把它分给每个人,
羽毛&Chris晨曦&A.C.E∇oria悠哥&小驴:Come now set the past on fire,将过去燃烧殆尽,
Stand up raise your face to the sky my love,直起身,面朝天空,
Together we can take it higher,让我们一起更进一步吧,
Together we can take it higher,我们在一起,让一切更上一层,
Come now set the past on fire,把过去的东西留在灰烬里,
Stand up raise your face to the sky my love,站起身,面向着天空吧,
Together we can take it higher,我们在一起,让一切更加兴奋起来吧,
Together we can take it higher,我们携手,将这一切带上新高度,
We can take it higher,我们能做到的,
We can take it higher,让这一切,
We can take it higher,狂热到极致。