My Mother Doesn't Know I'm on the Stage
I'm cherishing a secret in my bosom
About the dreadful stage-life that I lead
I've heard it said that Pro's are decent people
But according to the papers that I read
Both actresses and actors are dead 'wrong uns'
Whether from the 'Palace' or the 'Hippodrome'
The chaps I meet outside know I'm an actor
But I never breathe a word of it at home
So my mother doesn't know I'm on a stage
It would break her poor old heart if she found out
She knows I'm a deserter
From the Scottish Fuseliers
She knows I stole a blind-man's can
That got me seven years
She knows I've been connected
With a gang of West-End Pests
And the police have had me twice inside the cage
And she knows I mix with ladies that have got a shady past
But my mother doesn't know I'm on the stage
Sometimes she sees the powder on my clothing
And then it's such a nuisance to explain
If she thought that it was powder she'd go crazy
Of course I have to tell her it's coc*ine
The day she met me out with Gladys Cooper
She started screaming "Murder " and "Police "
And would have caused a dreadful scene in public
So I told her that the girl was 'Crippen's' niece
'Cos' my mother doesn't know I'm on the stage
And when I draw six hundred pounds each week
If she knew where it came from
She would shoot me like a dog
So I said I'd stole the moneybox
From an Irish Synagogue
She can think that I'm a murderer
Before she'll know the truth
I have to have respect for her old age
And she knows that I'm a bigamist a blaggard and a crook
But thank Heaven she don't know I'm on the stage
1.My Mother Doesn't Know I'm on the Stage