NO LIE (prod.Jianastic.X)

Let’s the real talk, there’s no lie
Flexing on it, money never no lie
It don’t feel like this, come on, no lie
I got no lie, no lie
关不住 open, 摆不清姿态 以为在表态
拜托拜托不要再来哔哔赖赖 当我饭前开胃菜
打地基打地基 专心如一
Nobody can kill me喂喂喂
Look at me, 来得及 新生代 的印记 在这里 正年轻 RB 达芬奇
Create lemon tree, 酸不酸得来 got juice.
We found it, 2 3
For me, all about heaters’ **
Got it. Your keyboard ABC 人身攻击
现实看不清 来不起
没关系  I'm the only.  You are the onion, bro
No lie 小弟弟
迎着风 淋着雨 受着冻 喘着气
I’m looking for my way in the darkness
I don’t know how to eliminate sadness
我在寻找着一个平衡 点
有的人离开我 背叛我
我伤心过 难受过
到底是什么错 现在我
只想把帝国拓展 灵魂用作品渲染
That’s what I’m working on no lie
No lie no lie no lie
Let’s the real talk, there’s no lie
Flexing on it, money never no lie
It don’t feel like this, come on, no lie
swag poses 肯定不得懈怠
no lie, no lie,
no lie, no lie,
不论下雨或天晴 保持我的思绪 乌云拨开
但 但不是他的错
节奏 降维打击 跑不脱
头痛?给你喂点 安眠药
想不想加入 诶 摆一伙
teengyo luch帅得一比 drama not today day
赶忙出去 跑 环球中心
天府绿道拉通 怕是不得跟你说那些
诶 喂 喂,嘿 嘿
哥老馆些搞快上车 watch me
开始狩猎 no lie标新立异 give me money, flexing on it
墨镜必备 缺一不行 swufepitch revolution
听众都getting crazy , balling crazy
寒风交汇趟着雪 凛冬将至luch made
迎着风 淋着雨 受着冻 喘着气
I’m looking for my way in the darkness
I don’t know how to eliminate sadness
I want to see from the dirt
没关系I deserve it
说到底 还会心软
I want no lie no lie no lie
Let’s the real talk, there’s no lie
Flexing on it, money never no lie
It don’t feel like this, come on, no lie
swag poses 肯定不得懈怠
1.微微笑就好了 (prod.T.A)
2.NO LIE (prod.Jianastic.X)
3.U AND AI (prod.Xiangyue)
4.金箍圈 (prod.张杰峻)